I know books.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Feed me

I created a Bloglines account and I like it! Very easy to use. Plus I learned that there is something wrong with my website's feed that I will have to investigate.

A few of the blogs I added...see if you can find a pattern!

Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind - Sara Weinman's blog on crime fiction

Off the Page - Sun Sentinel book reviewers blog

Papercuts - NY Times blog about books

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Vendors keep the party going with Web 2.0

Information With A Twist
Vendors keep the party going with Web 2.0
By Carol Tenopir, Gayle Baker, & Jill E. Grogg
-- Library Journal, 5/15/2008

Social networking and other Web 2.0 technologies led the social whirl of the information industry. Publishers and librarians tried to keep their products and services relevant by mixing authoritative content with user involvement, but that wasn't enough. Enhancing interfaces, adding new forms of content, and making strategic acquisitions—all are necessary to ensure that the information industry party continues.

Read the rest of the article, including a chart of vendor products and who is using them:
Information With A Twist

Monday, May 12, 2008

THE MURDER NOTEBOOK by Jonathan Santlofer

Today I'm reading a galley of Jonathan Santlofer's latest, The Murder Notebook. He has two series - this is book two of the second series. Both are set in the art world, and appropriately so if you are a believer in the old adage, "write about what you know."

Jonathan is a contemporary artist with work in galleries and museums around the world. His new series features a protagonist who is a police sketch artist, and the books include original artwork by the author. This is not a graphic novel, but rather a novel with some art that relates to the story. The library owns the first book in the series, check it out: Anatomy of Fear. It's very original, and very interesting. Or check out the author's website: Jonathan Santlofer

The Murder Notebook will be available June 3.

Should libraries be blogging?

I'm not so sure that blogging is the best way for libraries to go. Several libraries have been doing it for a while now. The success stories are far and few between, and the failures litter the world wide web's landscape. Web 2.0 is a fabulous idea, but maybe it should come after Web 1.0 - the Internet, AKA the PBCLS's website - is perfected. Or at least bettered.

Just my opinion. And I always have one.

Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

My favorite was the 1/2! I think people do forget to have fun while learning. I am a lifelong learner, and I'm in grad school now working towards my Masters in Library & Information Science at the University of South Florida.

Welcome to my Blog!

This is my official library blog being used as part of the Web 2.0/23 Things training.

Please check out my BookBitchBlog for all the latest in breaking book news, author interviews, guest blogging authors, and much more. My latest interview is with Elaine Viets. Elaine is a stroke survivor and the author of the Dead-End Job Series whose latest book, CLUBBED TO DEATH, just came out.

Also check out my website - I am the BookBitch! I give away free books every month and offer lots of book reviews and updates on the latest author signings in the south Florida area.

Thanks for reading!