I know books.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's del.ight.ful, it's del.icio.us, it's de.love.ly

Several years ago I tried to Digg my way to saving articles but ran into an annoying download, spamware-type problem. So I avoided the sharing networks and just greedily held on to my bookmarks in my Yahoo account.

Enter 23 Things, lucky #13. Reluctantly, I mosied around del.icio.us and decided to give it a try while I was at work. That way if there was any download, spam, spyware type issues, IT could take care of it. (you're welcome, Peter) But there wasn't. It worked like it should work, easily, simply, with a minimum of fuss and bother. So go check out my del.icio.us bookmarks on articles about a new blog that is a dream for Readers' Advisory & Collection Development, the Encyclopaedia Britannica going wiki, and Johnny Depp's brother writing a book.

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