I know books.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Please allow me to re-introduce myself...

My name is Stacy Alesi and I'm a biblioholic.

I'm re-introducing myself because I'm also known as the BookBitch. I had to create a blog for some Web 2.0 training at work (you can check out the archives for an idea of what we did and how you can do it too) and the blog has been sitting here, unused and unloved, ever since.

Until now.

I'm thinking I will use this blog to post book reviews in conjunction with my BookBitch website. Not doing away with that; just adding this. This will be where I will spout about books that I'm excited about, books I can't wait to read, and books that I've read and loved. Or hated. Or had some feeling about beyond ambivalence.

This is my attempt at going mainstream. How am I doing so far?

So back to the bibliophile thing.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, I'm basically addicted to books. Everyone has their vice; some people smoke, some people drink, some people gamble. I read. All the time. I'm the lady in the car next to you at a traffic light with her nose buried in a book. I read while waiting for the movie to start. I never mind the doctor's waiting room, book in hand. You get the idea.

I'm also very opinionated, and while a lot of people are, a lot of people are also uncomfortable sharing their opinions. Or are unable to articulate why they have their opinions. I'm not one of those people. I am outspoken in my likes and dislikes, and able to express why. And I'm happy to do it. In fact, nothing makes me happier than having people reading the books I love and letting me know that they love them too. And if they don't love them, I like to know that too.

Please tell me what you think, here or via email at booksavant@gmail.com or at bookbitch@yahoo.com.

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